By Joel Kabakov PhD


The New World Disorder

Will technology save us or will we save technology?

It’s not the ingenious devices that threaten our freedoms and security but the exploitive and ruthless behaviors around them that threaten the benefits of progress itself.


Empower our general masteries: writing, music, movement, generosity, spirit.

Available Light and other poems

Beethoven's 250th Birthday


Original Compositions


Professor | Author | Composer | Poet

Joel Kabakov Phd

Dr. Kabakov was dedicated to interacting and dialoguing with his readership and the community at large. Give us your thoughts, your questions and take us to the next level as we evolve out of the present dystopic age, scaling down the institutions, devices and practices which hold society and civilization itself at peril.

In Memoriam




… Dr. Kabakov catalogues the trajectory from boon to boondoggle of most of humanity’s powerful experiments with science and technology, punctuating the malevolent promises for the readers’ contemplation of the benefits of possible resistance against remaining stuck as we confront the continuing brutal assaults of so-called civilized leaders and civilizing systems of control. 

–David Robert Gilmour,
Series host of 101.9 FM,Radio Tacoma’s “Sound Poetry”

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The Wealthy and Powerful Need an Epiphany

Publisher RA “Kris” Millegan talks with Joel Kabakov about his book “Technofascism: The New World Disorder” (a termed he invented), artificial intelligence, digital surveillance, the JFK assassination, and physicist Edward Teller (the “father of the hydrogen...

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Press Release: TrineDay’s 150th Release!

WALTERVILLE, OR, March 14, 2022 – “Technofascism: The New World Disorder” by Joel Kabakov, TrineDay Publishing’s 150th book, is being released March 15, 2002, says publisher RA “Kris” Millegan. “The word technofascism sprang out of the author’s...

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SEAT OF POWER IN THE TWENTY FIRST CENTURY Generations of historians have venerated the mapmakers, the ocean voyagers, the adventurers, the quasi-scientific explorers, even when most are exposed as having lusted for the booty of empire. Exposed are the fabled roads of...

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